
By AkkuV

Like five star hotel

This is more an informal than an artistic blip.
The blips 25:th and 26:th of December were taken 20 meters from the cottage.
HPX asked what do we do when hanging there. In winter time
we do cross country skiing. -20 degrees is no problem when there is no wind. You can ski also in -25 or -30 but it is not so good for lungs.
We selected this one, because it was only 800 meters from the car road. My son and his friend went snowboarding to the mountains Ylläs and therefore we had to select a cottage not far from the road.
This is a nice cottage. It is easy to get it warm by firewood - however on floor level the corners seemed to be in frost and half a meters higher it was +20 Celsius. You can see in the picture that the right lower corner from the window is also frozen.
The state has a company which cares about these cottages. Like this one can be reserved and you must pay when sleeping there.
There are other cottages which are far from car roads (minimum 10 km) and those cottages are open to anyone to go anytime and they are in Finland free. The state workers care the firewood to those cottages. To obtain firewood to cottages even 50 - 60 km from nearest road is expensive when the logs must be brought by skidos.

Unfortunately we could stay only 2 nights in this cottage because it was reserved since today. Now we stay in a usual cottage which has electricity.

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