A Suffolk Eye

By CroPage

You lookin at me?

The pig, if I am not mistaken
Supplies us sausage, ham, and bacon.
Let others say his heart is big—
I call it stupid of the pig!
Ogden Nash

Yes, it's sad, but at least this delightful pig and his litter-mates are living very lovely lives until the fell sausage-moment occurs, happy as larry in a grassy field out at Newbourne.

I say grassy, but they way they are chomping through the grass, I bet it will all be a muddy field pretty shortly.

They are pigs.

When I go to the Newbourne farm shop I generally buy an apple or pear or two, and leave very generous cores. Just for the pleasure of feeding them to the ever- hopeful porkers across the way.

"I am temporarily your friend. O yes indeedy."

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