Every Picture Tells .....


Articulation in Movement

This afternoon I went along to the Huddersfield Public Arts Trail walk which is run in conjunction with the Civic Society.

Although I have worked in the town for many years, the guided walk enlightened me to previously unknown architectural facts and unseen and unappreciated delights.

I have never, until today appreciated the merits of 1960's concrete, but it was interesting to learn that the nine relief panels by sculptor Fritz Stellar (1969) on Queensgate Market make up Articulation in Movement, the world’s largest ceramic sculpture. The nine 5.5m x 5.5m relief ceramic panels show abstractions of the building’s dramatic roof shells above (turned 90 degrees) and soft organic curves of the market’s produce.

I know this sounds like a quote from the guest publication of "HIGNFY" but, in November 2007, the building was awarded the Concrete Society’s Certificate of Excellence for a Mature Structure.

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