
By TitsMcGee


....here we have a fleeting return to the 'inappropriate' series of shots pardon the pun.

So today Floss and myself were invited out for a birthday shopping trip to the Big Smoke of Brum.

Whilst we were out Joss had the pleasure of Charlie DDLCs son.

I had left them in their pjs under their duvets planning on watching all 6 of the Star Wars movies.

Floss and her friends shopped til they dropped whilst myself and 2 other parents watched with big empty holes in our purses.

Lunch was consumed, more shopping pursued, singing on the train station until we were asked by daughters to stop and home utterly exhausted. well I was anyway!!!!

But what did I return to.

Drive by shootings on my drive!!!!!

The car was loaded up to the hilt with guns while they took turns on driving and shouting obscenities!!!

What a super marvellous parent I must be.....

S'mores by twinkly solar lights this evening with a nice cold glass of grape juice.

I do love these warm, light evenings.

AND it's a bank holiday tomorrow!!!

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