Ever get that Sinking Feeling?

I did today. Took the hard top of my MX5 and decided to go for a quick drive with the wind through my hair (ear and nose, not head - little left there; it's all migrated to other parts of my body that have no real need for it).

Anyway, I'm doing a respectable 60 mph along the dual carriageway when the tax disc holder is dislodged by the turbulence inside the car. No worries as the tax disc falls down between the passenger seat and the door. Get home 10 minutes later, nip round to the passenger side to pick up the tax disc and I get that sinking feeling when I can't find it. I've hunted high and low, which inside a MX5 takes about 30 seconds, and no luck. I suspect it is sitting by the roadside or stuck to a hedge somewhere along the route I took.

What a bummer. A nice open top MX5 that I cannot drive on the beautiful bank holiday Monday. Out of action until I can get a replacement tax disc.

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