
By keithyboy

Meet Sam, he's in the third paragraph.

Today was the start of a rather unfortunate process that sees Will leave soon. He had a bit of a gathering at his tonight, being a Friday it meant I would be working but his forethought meant I could pop round before work and join in for a few minutes. The geography and town planning of Queenstown means that walking through the woods after dark was the only practical way to get to Will, otherwise a 15 minute walk uphill in the direction I came was on the cards. The torchlit walk was a blessing in disguise, there were Glowworms hanging right beside the trail, more investigation will be needed.

After helping myself to chips and dip, it was time to go to work with a spring in my step and a sense of achievement because recently workong and sleeping have been the days total. Shindigs and Glowworms were pre work activities today!

Sam is one of my longest customers in the bakery, he has been frequenting the place as long as any of us can remember. There aren't many people who can claim that in QT. Being a chef, he isn't exactly shy and retiring, we got to know him 18 months ago because he would pop in for a bite to eat after playing pool across the road. His German sense of humor is a regular source of giggles and the occasional dropped jaw! This quite candid shot portrays him well, even if he does look like a borrower hiding behind bread sticks!

I know there are lots more long serving customers out there and we know who you are, so if you feel particularly left out of this whole blog thing then give me a shout so I can feature you, it is about my life afterall. You are part of it.

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