and through the wire...

By hesscat

We're waiting...

So I was expecting today's blip to be of the first cut of the grass (which I did do - note to self: tick), however I couldn't turn this one down of 4 thrush chicks. Usually one of their parents sits with them, but they must have been off getting some snacks, but it was fascinating to see them sitting here, still, quiet as a mouse, just waiting to be fed.

On other spring watch news... blue tits spotted taking food into their wee nest box, and tiny baby rabbit found just under the thrush's bush... not sure if knows what is going on, it sat there for 5 mins, looking a bit disheveled, has it lost it's burrow? Anyway it disappeared into the bush eventually.

Note to self: think about how to deal with all these cat attractions? Keep them in during the day?

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