All the fun ...

Mae Nor'dzin wedi bod yn gwnïo dillad am wythnosau wrth baratoi ar gyfer y briodas Steph a Richard ar ddydd Gwener. Dw i wedi bod actio fel 'cynorthwyydd i'r wniadwraig' dros y penwythnos. Stopion ni am awr heddiw i ymweld â'r carnifal ar Gomin Eglwys Newydd. Roedd llawer o bobl yna. Edrychon ni ar y stondinau a fwyton ni byrgyrs. Yna, dychwelon ni adre i weithio ar y dillad priodas eto.

Nor'dzin has been sewing clothes for weeks in preparation for the marriage of Steph and Richard on Friday. I've been acting as 'assistant to the seamstress' over the weekend. We stopped for an hour today to visit the carnival on Whitchurch Common. There were many people there. We looked at the stands and we ate burgers. Then we returned home to work on the wedding clothes again.

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