From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

We're being watched again!

Olive: Pssssst! Arthur!

Arthur: What is it, Olive? I was trying to concentrate on my paper and think about what steps I need to take to get better food rations.

Olive: We are being watched again! I don't like it! It puts me off my food!

Arthur: *sigh* If only that was true Olive.. You and that mother of yours are eating everything in sight. I've never been into fat birds and look at the size of you now!

Olive: Oh Arthur! You never said that when.... *looking coy*..... you were taking your pleasure the other day.

Arthur: Well it was dark!

Olive: HUMPH!

Arthur: Anyway, you can always turn round if you don't like being watched. Just fluff up your tail feathers and wave your arse around like you normally do at this time of year.

Olive: Do you think that will put them off?

Arthur: *muttering* Well it works with me every time....


Track? Let's have some Stones today - Wild Horses

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