Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

The Lodgers

For many years we have had a concrete nest box on the wall of our detached garage which we can view blue tits nesting from the conservatory or kitchen.

It's great fun and so interesting watching them flying out and into the box. We didn't think we had any nesting this year as we just didn't see any going in/out, that was up until a couple of weeks ago.

It was a nice day so I opened up the conservatory doors and sat in a comfy chair with the camera propped on my knee, finger touching the shutter button like a gunfighter in a western about to fire. My aim was to get a bird flying in to the box but not touching it. It's easy to get them going in/out the hole. I wanted something different.

Well, these blighters fly so fast that it is extremely difficult to get them a thousandth of a second before they land. I got loads going in and out and even one touching the outside. After an hour I got the one I wanted. I also got one almost exactly the same of one flying out.

One of the most difficult shots I've done - alongside a product shoot of canvas bags!

Here's one flying out of the nest, here

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