Me, Myself and Catherine

By cspeakman


Last year, a friend uploaded a beautiful photograph of his little boy, smiling, surrounded by Bluebells in lovely sunshine. Perfect, I thought. I'll do one of those!
I chose my nearest bluebell wood, a beautiful day, dressed my little one in her prettiest clothes, and set out. Except, my little angel didn't want to sit among the bluebells. In fact, to be fair to her, she'd not totally mastered sitting unaided at that point - significant propping was still necessary. So, I propped her. She didn't like this. Cried, fell over on her face. Picked and crushed the bluebells. Tried to eat them. Photographs were taken. I tried to pick nice ones to make it look like it HAD been a nice experience.
This year, she is walking. Running even. Though not totally steadily. However, despite another beautiful day, flowers in full bloom... never work with children or animals. To be fair it was better. Just not totally cheerful. And now she weighs a LOT more. Carrying her on the few miles the walk takes is quite hard. And she is louder in her protests. But we got out of the house!

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