100 Years

I went to this fabulous lady's funeral today. My best friend's grandma. I only met her a handful of times and last saw her about four years ago just before she moved into a rest home. But I have a strong connection with the family and my friend is in the UK and couldn't make it so it was lovely to be there.

There were two stories I really loved at the funeral. One I can relate to well and the other I hope I will relate to as I get older.

The first story was about her local florist. She walked past one day and saw a sign for "lillies". She walked into the shop and very politely pointed out to the shop assistant that lilies only has one l in the middle. She said she didn't mean to be rude but she wanted to help. She said that she was an old lady anyway so she was allowed to do this kind of thing. The next day she walked past again and the sign had been corrected so she went inside to buy a bunch.
I love this story because I refuse to shop anywhere or buy something with incorrect spelling and grammar, and especially if an s is replaced with a z or a c with a k.

The other story was something she told one of her family members. She said "you know, I keep going to my friends' funerals. They keep dying. It makes me think I'll just have to keep making new ones". What a fantastic outlook on life!

She was also a very avid potter which is why I have a lovely new yellow eyed penguin. Everyone at the funeral was allowed to take home one of her collection.

Tonight I'm adding to my bucket list " celebrate my 100th birthday". Who wouldn't want to live a life as long and wonderful as hers.

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