Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Well Done Bear Scotland !

More flooding on our property today. The local builder who was working across the road very kindly came over and had a look around , aagreed there was a problem coming from somewhere on the road above.

I took a series of twelve images starting with the hill stream which comes down from the farm across the road from us and travels through a ppe under the A82 then , supposedly, passes through a connecting pipe which runs parallel to the road.

A very helpful phone call to bear Scotland followed up with an email as requested by the very helpful person , describing the problem in detail with images supporting each part of the problem and before I knew it a local worker from Bear Scotland arrived and did a thorough search of the garden , next door's garden , even followed the possible route of the any leakage down to the shore then explained what he intended reporting .

Also helpful advice on the further detailed , very technical investigation required.

How's that for prompt service!!! here's hoping they sort it out soon as I am concerned about water gettin to the foundations via the airbricks.

A nice thank you email back to bear Scotland for good service , also hoping being courteous might help in the final solution.
Here's a photo of the water at the front door.

ps for anyone who needs to know Bear Scotland looks after our trunk roads.

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