May Sisters’ Challenge; Major

This is my friend Alan. He has been a major part of my life for 30-odd years. He’s the person who first encouraged me to make music in public (this was a big deal, because I was always extremely shy and nervous about opening my mouth in front of others). Anniemay: “Not like now…”

We had an a cappella 4-part harmony group called The Elderly Brothers and performed at works Christmas parties and other social gatherings. Alan is an extremely talented musician and formed a covers band called …. Loose Covers. I eventually joined the band and was amazed to discover that people would pay money to hear us.

I spent 10 happy years with Loose Covers, playing various gigs - even making a CD in a French recording studio (that’s another story) - but my musical tastes gradually changed over time. I became interested in what is now called Americana and eventually left to join another band. But Alan and I remained close friends and see each other every so often for a coffee and a catch-up.

Today was a one such catch-up and we polished off Anniemay's chilli bean soup (see yesterday's blip) for lunch. Yum.

I would never have had the confidence to perform in public if it were not for Alan. Generous with his time and support, he's been a real friend over the past 8 years, when music making has had to take a back seat. Meet my pal Al.

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