Hunting For...

eggs - there were at least two more kids under a bush or something on the Easter egg hunt Rach laid on.

We had a great day, meeting my lovely friend Helen for a too-short brunch (very eggy menu too), a stroll around Norwich cathedral (Alexander had his binoculars) and market and then to see Rach and Karl, Nic and Caroline and their boys and girls (combinations thereof). It never seems enough time but also seems like we only just saw each other. Rach's girls are now the same age as me and Liv were when we met Rach...

Karl made room in his shed for Mr HPW and Steve, and let Alexander use the drill (with assistance) and all the 'boys' engaged in some full-on Nerf warfare while we had a chat. The only actual injury was that Shabby fell over and gashed his chin so Liv and Steve had to rush him off to a drop-in clinic on this bank holiday Monday, but they were still back before it was time to go home. Shabby was unmoved by the whole thing as far as I could see.

We all got back and boys to bed in good order for our last holiday evening.

Day 50

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