Double Shot Mummy


Butterfly baby!

This baby is a runner. She will run anywhere, as long as it is away!

Bailee and Oscar were not as proficient in this area. So I ordered this cute little backpack with attachable reigns (Thanks Ruth and Simon for organising it from the UK!!). We are thinking it is going to be good when we brave the malls or for when she gets out of control at the park!

Today was a great day overall. I got some more fantastic news from a friend, ate four lemon tarts (mini ones ;-)) and handed over my clicks from the wedding I had a blast assisting with in the weekend (Thanks Shirley, you're awesome). I took the twins to Dubai Mall to collect some gluten free bread for Oscar..... he got a testosterone surge in the Sony store....wouldn't listen and wanted to touch everything (The more expensive the better).... We didn't hang around long...

In the afternoon Oscar randomly requested to make hand print peacocks. He has quite an imagination and everything has to be done exactly as he envisions it to look. This can be frustrating for all parties, as he doesn't get that we don't know exactly what he is thinking! Tomorrow we are going to attach feathers...

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