
Another cool day. Errrr… Not cool ‘Cos it’s good or something BUT cool ‘Cos it was cool…OK… Cold…Right.
It looked like rain any time and that was cool too as it meant that there was nobody on the beach…Lakeside…Thingie on the right with the stones and stuff…OK? So I had a ball….Well actually I didn’t have a ball ball as The Boss doesn’t bring them here ‘Cos he says I don’t play nicely but take them into the lake while I have a drink and then leave them there and he has to figure out how to retrieve them. I suppose he needs a Retreiver…NOT me.
Now where was I…Oh Yes I had FUN while The Boss played with his camera and recorded the day...which was cool and very GREY.
The Day not the camera.
Sorry but I have been a bit stir crazy with the Sheep (wether) so there is a bit too much adrenaline flowing.
On that subject The Bossess had a visitor this morning who requested Caffeine free Coffee and described how much better he felt off it. The Boss mentioned this to The Bossess but found that her problem with selective hearing had kicked in again. AND I thought that only I had that.
Hey Hey see the GREY

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