Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics


Hey, I left the caps lock button on. Well it looks sorta cool that way so I left it.
We bought a bike for Nathan to ride when he's at our house. He's used to riding tricyles where you can pedal backwards. This one is a little harder for him. When he tries to pedal backwards it stops! Gracie is helping him check it over.
I needed to add this about Nathan so I won't forget it: He likes to crawl around on hands and knees pretending he's a puppy. Barking, panting and trying to lick you (of all things). The other night we were eating dinner and he decided to go into 'puppy mode' and laid his spoon aside and ate from his plate like a dog would. I told him not to eat that way and to use his spoon.
Without missing a beat he leans over to the spoon and starts to eat out of it like a dog would too! I had to laugh. Clearly to me, and all of you reading this, that wasn't the response I was expecting.

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