There's a storm brewing...

Today has been a rather long day, I was up at 6am to write my review before heading to work. I got the majority of it done, but had to finish during a break in the conference I was attending.

The conference was brilliant, looking at the use of evidence in health inequalities policy. There were some really dynamic speakers and a few new perspectives to consider.

I blipped this tempestuous sky on the way home. It's the view from Regent Road, overlooking the train station. I thought it an appropriate blip given the reception of my review from last night's show. Apparently, according to the Director, I'm rude, narrow minded and insensitive. Yup that sounds exactly like me. Take a look at my review and see what you think... I stand by it; it's a fair review of what I saw.

Right I'm off to the pub! Sorry I've been a little tardy with my blip comments, I seem to be run off my feet, I will catch up with you all soon!

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