
By DerwentLass

Rather Wet

We intended while we were in Cheshire if the weather was ok we'd stay around there for a few days. It was fine when we got up and on the road, we went to see the Anderton Boat Lift. We had a snack, bought our tickets to get onto the water bus and "do" the lift. By the time we came out of the cafe it was pouring down, so we did the lift, then walked along the canal bank for a while, getting wetter and wetter.
Deciding to move nearer home we went over to Bury to see the steam trains and have lunch. We got there to find not a steam train in sight (or going to be), the station bar were collecting the menus off the tables, sorry just finished serving
meals. Still raining.
Headed to the Naked Man in Settle for a very late lunch, still pouring down.

So guess what? We are now home, sitting in front of a lovely warm fire and planning our next adventure!!!

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