Pond Life

Stayed in bed this morning and took Juno for a walk a bit later, still very few dogs around for her to play with. The paths are horrendously slippy and I spent most of my time trying to find vegetation to stand on.

Arthur Seat looked like the cloak of white was slowly disappearing.

I went to give blood, it was really busy so I popped into the book sale and picked some bargains and headed back, a wee bit quieter so I waited.

During this time another snow storm came through making the streets of Edinburgh as slippy as the pavements. It was amazing how quick it happened and how the traffic slowed down and struggled.

Back home and Eco son and I went round to his pal's parent for a social gathering. Met some interesting people and caught up with old friends. It is interesting meeting up with people who read your blip as they know everything I have been upto, still the conversations flow much easier.

This is Eco mum's floating pond feature that I purchased for her, it is presently useless due to the ice.

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