Out with the Old in with the New

I hadn't planed to go out to day but I had too so I stopped off in the city to see how the demolition of the old millers building was coming along. You can just see that it still has a wee way to go yet here in the bottom shot on the right. I was talking to a woman whose job was keeping people behind the road cones because of safety issues... and she said the pillars that you can see here in the blip I did not long ago.. were just full of crumbling concrete which had made the building very unstable. She also told me just a few days ago that a truck carrying way the rubble actually toppled over, when it was coming out into the street.

Nearby that demolition they has also started the demolition of the Front Runner store the other day and today as you can see in the shots of the right hand side of this collage.. its just about gone. It wasn't a very old building and I remember it going up not many years ago. Here is a blip I did last December of the surreal images in the building.

The building on the left in the collage the Stranges and Gledenning building which is almost complete. It sure is colourful and a very interesting building. Here is a shot the building near the start of the build.

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