A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

You know that feeling when you know you're going out for a nice meal, so you decide to eat a bit less earlier in the day to save room for the meal?
And when you get there, you're absolutely ravenous?
That's how I feel today.

Except I'm not going for a meal; in less than two weeks I'm going on holiday to Fuerteventura for a week.
And right now I feel like it can't come soon enough.
A combination of a difficult few weeks at work, coupled with a horrid turn in the weather the past few days, and then I started feeling very rough last night, and I'm ready for a holiday now.

It's been a few years since I went away; the last time was the Lake District with the dogs (who will be looked after by a friend who has agreed to house sit.)

The last time I went abroad was a three day in Paris in 2007; and the last big foreign holiday was Rio de Janeiro in 2002.
So now, I can't wait.

Things I have seen this week:
A woman get so angry at a post office worker for quoting her the wrong price for a parcel, she told him to "f*** off and don't speak to me" at which point she was threatened with ejection from the post office. What a charmer.

A teenage shoplifter who insisted on lifting her dress so that the security guards could see she didn't have anything stuffed in her knickers.
I didn't actually hear the security guards say they wanted to see that much to be honest.

Advice please:
On holiday, my plan is to travel relatively light, photography wise.
So no laptop.
Just my camera (which is relatively small anyway) and maybe two prime lenses.
Editing done on tablet and iPhone.
Should I take the camera as part of my hand luggage onto the plane? It's been so long since I went abroad I can't remember what's best.
Don't think I should be locking the camera in my suitcase.

PS Happy Friday, the weekend has landed.

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