Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Hereford: waltzer whirly wooziness

The May Fair in Hereford is a super popular event. The children drum on about 'needing to go' and that 'all our friends are allowed to go'. You know what its like as a parent, you hold off the battle for as long as you can. You know that it will like throwing twenty pound notes to the wind, only to have three sickly kids in the car on the way home.

I decide that a plan of action is needed. My friends booster up the group. The plan is to make sure the children leave this place with as many varied memories as possible. I get them on scary rides, fun rides, and oh yes, the ones that make you feel sick. Its important for further reference, that when your children nag you for more fair rides that they have a reasonable balance of experience.

We sit in the car on the way home. Sam holding a plastic bag. and Ella riding with the open window to stave of the sick feeling. "I like the scissor ride" the best says Ella. Sam doesn't answer. He has just lived and learnt!

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