Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At home: Desk mate.......x

I wonder how many people have one of these little chappies screaming at you when your trying to work?

This little call duck has been the first to hatch out of its incubator. Call ducks are renowned for being lazy parents and inconsistent layers. This little ducklings hatch mates are 2 days apart and now two days behind and due to hatch. Being the first to hatch, this one is very alone and more importantly has nothing to imprint on. Although we do everything to make sure its left open to imprint on it's other hatch mates, for the time being we are trying to stave off its loneliness.

Its spends time on my desk, occasionally running up my hand. Its as quick as mouse and surprisingly strong. Its call duck screeching is a deafeningly loud peeping that baffles the dog into thinking its got a dog whistle in its beak.

I am hoping the peeping will be noisy enough to encourage its hatch mates out of their shells. Hopefully tonight, we cant keep chatting to a duck on the desk....x

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