The second half of life..

By twigs

Over the hill to tomorrow

Spent a very relaxed day doing a photographic workshop today - AV presentations . . . . . . what makes a good one, how to put one together, editing, and critiquing.  I've created a number of slideshows in the past but that's exactly what they were - nice images put to music.  A 'good' AV presentation, particularly one intended for entry to national or international salons, is a very different thing.  It has a story, cohesion, flow and life, all conveyed through a series of good, connected images and appropriate transitions and finally, all held together by a soundtrack that complements the visuals.  

I thought I had a few ideas about what I might do as my first 'proper' AV but those ideas have changed a lot as a consequence of today's course.  I wonder if I'll get an entry ready for early June??!  It's a good challenge to have.

And this image?  By the time the course finished and I was heading home the sun was well down and burning the sky red.  It wasn't the sky that caught my eye here though so much as the sunlight reflecting off the overbridge handrail, hence the thumbnail crop.

A good day - yes - a good day :)

And on a completely different note, I was introduced to this hour-long doco "When a City Falls" about the Canterbury earthquakes yesterday at  work.  I watched a bit of it at home last night.  Wow.  Powerful in its presentation, factual, a simple video diary in places but an incredible historical record of the impact of the quakes.  At times you feel as though you are right there in amongst it.  Powerful and emotional stuff, especially as I hear in the news that Chch had another smaller but nevertheless, very noticeable rumble this afternoon.

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