Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Windy day

Again the weather isn't quite what was forecast just 12 hours ago - It seems the awful rain has passed through a few hours earlier than they said.

I'd intended doing a blip meet which I cancelled due to the forecast. Its probably fortunate that I did call it off even though the weather is a little better than expected, I got up this morning feeling really under the weather myself. Not ill, just yuk. Really yuk! Headache, feeling shaky and queazy. Hopefully it will wear off if I ignore it.

I managed a few minutes outside in the wind which is still really blowy. Photographing bluebells in this would still be a massive challenge. Photographing the lilac tree was a challenge for me this morning.

Off to prep an intro presentation for the club meet on Tuesday.
Its about showing on creating mono images with PS and SEfex Pro for those wanting to learn - Any ideas?

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