
By bivbov

Half an hour of freedom....

.....thank you Gill Boorman!!

It's been a long day! Nobody got much sleep last night. Mr C was released from hospital for the night, but was in a lot of pain. I woke at 1.30am when Z had a nightmare, and didn't get back to sleep, and the Noo got up at at 4.30 and announced "I is up!Flakes!!" (Which is his polite way of asking for breakfast!!)

We drove through the wet gloom to drop Mr C at hospital by 8.30am, and drove back again feeling gloomy. The boys have been a bit stir crazy.

Mrs GB kindly came at4pm to release me from the madhouse for 1/2 an hour to go for a run. It was very,very windy. Just as I reached Warbleton Church I received a text from Mr C. to say he was out of theatre but in a lot more pain than before :-( I stopped a while to reply and took this pic. (In the vague direction of my house) before setting off for home...

No further news as yet!

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