madwill's world

By madwill

Bedraggled Poppy

Work time today = Showers, Sun, Showers, Sun. Hometime = Showers, Showers, Showers.

Got home to find that Finn had helped himself to two bread packets - there were about 6 slices of bread in total - these have vanished. Left behind were two shredded plastic bags and a little plastic clip. Maybe we are not feeding him enough... or at least he thinks so.

I did try to photograph a puddle with raindrop splashes through the (closed) patio door - but the shutter speed was so slow the ripples were just a blur! Beginning of blip panic!

The rain relented for a very short while so I was able to nip into the garden to catch a poppy covered in raindrops. Ahh - panic over.

Happy weekend.

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