We are on this path

8:30am and on the way to school with the weeWeir and the wee-estWeir. Well, the weeWeir is in the not-too-far-away distance. The wee-est is in the buggy.

That was a day.

Mrs theWeir was doing her first nightshift since returning to work, the bairns and I all survived. As did she.

Up, washed, clothed and fed and off to school we went. Then home, the wee-est and I and dropped a car at a bowling club before returning home via the gift of my Dad's cat to collect the NewBike from Herbie's after a wee pre-event tune up. And then home again.

A non-sleep-inducing wrangle and then time to wake up Mrs theWeir. A relatively short time later and we're in the back if a stretched car and heading to join the funeral cortège. The bairns otherwise cared for and occupied.

It only really hit my emotional processing unit when we arrived at the crematorium. The next thirty minutes were filled with smiles and snotters as we remembered, and said farewell to, my Grandad.

A purvey and some memories shared and home to the bairns.

Then, because we hadn't done enough today, made food, packed ourselves and the bairns up and headed north at their bedtime. Arrived in Pitlochry a day early but that was okay.

A lovely sunny evening. The kind my Grandad would have gladly spent in his garden until the light faded and the cool took over.

Rest well, Peter.

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