
By rubyjones

Mary Tyler Moore comes to Edinburgh.

Well, not exactly, but from memory, this fab woman looks a bit like the section where MTM twirls around in New York from the opening sequence of her show.

And that's pretty much all I remember from the Mary Tyler Moore show except for one thing. The thing that has stayed with me all my life. The thing which I still seek out when I'm in the US. The thing that makes me feel I am cool and vibrant when eating from them. Yes. The Chinese takeout cartons. Those cute boxes which fold over at the top and is held into position by a wire handle. They were the best things I had ever seen. Ours were so boring and utilitarian. A fucking tin foil box with a piece of cardboard for a lid. In two boring pieces. In the States they ate out of origami! Here we were eating out of shoeboxes. Funny what you remember.

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