Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Her Birthday is December 31

Tomorrow is our daughter's birthday.

These are photos of her at 2 1/2 years old; 5 1/2 -- as the flower-girl at our 10th anniversary/wedding; her senior photo from high school; and then most recently.

When she was born we named her after my best friend -- Deidre Anne, (pronounced "Deed-dra"). My girlfriend used the nickname Dede -- so that's what we used for our daughter. She now prefers her legal name -- Deidre, and we usually call her Deed.

I was just 19 and Mr. Fun was 23 when she was born. The doctor gave me an injection to induce labor (so she'd be born before midnight and we'd get the tax deduction) and 45 minutes later she was born. She's always been quick and on the move -- she is determined, direct, and focused (I'm not sure where she gets that).

This morning Mr. Fun let me sleep late, so when I woke at about 8:00, he went downstairs to make my coffee and I grabbed my iPhone to do a quick check of my email. I had only one new email that had arrived at 7:30 and because my sole reason for having a blip journal is to permanently record and savor life, I'm going to include this email from my daughter.

It will embarrass me, but I'll get over it. My daughter knows that I blog, but she doesn't know where so she won't be embarrassed that I've shared her age. And someday, I'll ask her for forgiveness since I didn't ask permission to share her message. Her words made my day.

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Good Morning Mom,

Well, it's my last day of being forty and I can't believe how quickly that flew by. Forty has been a good year for me. All I can think is that if forty was as much fun as it was; maybe forty-one will be even better.

I know forty was fun because I decided to make it that way. Outlook is everything they say. I just wish mine was great everyday.

I'm sitting in bed with Katie
[dog] and the laptop trying to muster the gumption to get my butt out of bed. I've got a date with skyline this morning. Made plans with Susie yesterday to walk it--she wants to go to the top--we'll see. [Skyline is a dirt road that goes up and over the foothills at the south of our community.]

I hope you're waking up to a day filled with endless possibilities. I love you.

Thanks for bringing me into this world, raising me, loving me, accepting me and letting me fly. If it weren't for you.......................


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Well, for her birthday tomorrow she won't be hiking with her girlfriend; she will be snow skiing with her hubby. We'll spend some moments with her in the early evening--maybe just in time for the 6:15 moment that she was born so many New Year's Eves ago.

I guess I should be feeling old, but I'm not. I'm loving life and loving this moment and the joy that my daughter has shared with me.

Good night from Southern California
(where we've had a little rain today).
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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