Let's dance!

Tanssii tähtien!
Mutta, nyt?
Miksi ei?
Mutta juhla on 21.5 illalla!
Sillä ei ole väliä!

(I want to say:
Let's dance!
What, now?
Why not?
But the party is on 21st May in the evening!
It doesn't matter!)

I liked this sign on this bike and I wondered what it was for. It looks like some dancing will happen on 21st May somewhere...

I had a good day off. I had a very good sleep last night and this afternoon I went to the gym and got myself a memory card for my camera.

I felt great after the gym. I've been pretty much relaxing for the rest of the day.

Back to work tomorrow. Only a two week stretch before I go on holiday at the end of the month!!! Not long to go! :)

Thanks very much for all your comments! I hope you all had a good Sunday! :)

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