Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Sunday Sports

My boys woke me at 7:30 with breakfast in bed. The day started off early, as my youngest had a judo tournament he's been very excited about. But when we got to the out-of-town event and he went to weigh in, he was told he couldn't compete. The poor boy was devastated. He turns 12 in December of this year, so he doesn't qualify anymore for the U12 group with the rest of his friends - he had to move into the U15 division. Not a big deal, except it turned out that at this particular championship, unbeknownst to my son's trainer, a minimum yellow belt was required to fight in the older age group. My son only has a yellow/white striped belt. So he was eliminated without a chance to step on the matts. He was inconsolable. We stayed for a bit to watch some of his friends compete, but he was really upset.

Getting home earlier than expected gave me a chance to head out to catch the 2nd half of the 2nd LAX game that daughter #2 played in today. Quite the opposite of her brother, she had not expected any field time in today's tournament since she has missed several practices due to school travel. But several teammates didn't make it so my daughter saw plenty of playing time and I was glad I could watch.

Afterwards, it was home to empty closets and pack a few boxes in preparation for the pending move. The amount of work to be done in the next 7 weeks is really overwhelming.

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