A peaceful new year

It's been a pretty chaotic year and one that ended very sadly with the death of Jack. But we've had a lovely few days with my Mum and Dad visiting and as I type this the snow is falling heavily again so everything is looking picturesque. New Years Eve was one of Jack's favourites and he usually did the first footing in our house so we are torn between celebrating it as he would have done or pretending it's not happening and heading to bed early - we'll see.

In blip terms I'll remember this as the year I invested in a grown up camera. And then promptly dropped it and still haven't had it back from Camera Hospital. But I have enjoyed messing around with the Iphone camera as well as my old compact and, despite the fact that the commenting has often dwindled away because of other pressures, I know that the challenge and enjoyment of taking a photo a day is something that is now a part of me and that I want to keep going.

I hope everyone out there has a fun filled Hogmanay.

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