Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

Here comes the sun.

Heavy showers have given way to some beautiful sunny spells.

My trip to the hospital showed a good looking x-ray and the antibiotics seem to be reducing the infection in my foot.

Jeff is off work for three nights.

Sean has a 'materials'& Geology exam (Construction materials not fabrics)at Uni.

Simon is getting frustrated with his UCCA application.

Thomas has 'Boxed off' (?) most of his course work (but is scared to have a bath following his gym session as there is a centipede in the bathroom).

Jeff is at an evening fishing match.

The sun is shining on the Manchester City Parade in town. (I can only see it on TV from the sofa).

As you can see from this blip the fair is setting up on the field.
(This photo was taken from my front step :-)

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