Cuchara Vida

By CucharaVida

Second immunisations

Bit tough to get up this morning! Soon got on the bike though and to work. Had a lovely sausage for lunch and then went down the road to the Drs surgery for Tara's jabs. Funny Grandad was kind enough to give the ladies a lift to the surgery and was chatting away to someone when I arrived (I think they liked him, they asked if Tara was his first!).

I held the bairn while she had her shots and it isn't great fun, but she did seem to recover pretty quickly and since has been her usual self. When I came home she was all smiles. So was I as not only had I purchase a snot sucker, but also managed to blag a child's high chair, just like the one we wanted, for free! I spotted it going into a lorry outside a charity shop, I asked what was going on and they explained they couldn't sell it in case it injured a child so had to be chucked away. I soon convinced them that would be madness and they gave it to me. It shall be Blipped soon!

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