My Mother's Day Card.

I just had to post this, as I thought it was so sweet, I just loved the way Alexandra wrote Sophia and Neo's name on the front.

Well today I got the results of my ultra-sound, and I don't have osteo-arthritis, which is good, but I do have Bursitis. There doesn't seem to be too much they can do about this, except I'm supposed to rest - fat chance of that in my job. They've offered me steroid injections, but I'm no too keen on that idea, so I might just see how it goes.

Found a cheap new toy for the cats. I was cutting open packets of rice to put in a jar, when Neo stole the piece I'd cut off. He dashed off with his prize and had a wonderful throwing it in the air and chasing it around the floor. So I then cut another for Sophia, she played with hers for a while too, until she lost it under the fridge.

So there you go two cheap toys for cats, bits of plastic bags.

Today would've been my Dad's 93rd birthday, but he died when he was only 56. A kind and gentle man, I still miss him to this day. Love you Dad xxx.

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