
By Namaikisaru

Aww crumbs!

...I think he's spotted me.

Behold the super cute Guardian of the Figs!

I don't normally post this early but I didn't have much opportunity for photos today apart from the passport shots this morning. Could have posted one of us all monkeying around at the end but the missus had her head too far back and had stepped out of the slim depth of field. Me and the kids were pin sharp.

Anyway, after a day mostly replying to e-mails that were getting in the way of actual work I stepped out into the garden to look for a bug or two.

This is a species of jumping spider. I met two of them. The other one had a kind of "who me?" look on his face but this guy is my favorite as he (confirmation?) is guarding the fat figs on my fig tree.

If you can view it large, please do.

Now if only I get something to stop the crow who comes to try and eat my fish.

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