Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Hotel survival

Great hotel and the breakfast is top notch. The problem is that I can’t get through the day on just the breakfast and usually end up in the KFC or a noodle house. My weight is rocketing as a result. Eventually I will end up in an apartment, but not until the job is guaranteed, which could take another couple of months.

So, time to try and retake control of my body. All I can do is boil a kettle of water, so a bit limiting in the cuisine arena, but after just finishing my first tub, these packet instants are the best I have ever tasted!

A bit of a trial in the supermarket trying to find what I want, but I went back to the shelf stackers to explain what I was after – oh! Lots of jabber, ‘so that’s sauce! So that’s noodles!’.

A very rewarding end to the working day. I saw a young girl running towards me, ‘A good Blip’ I thought, but my camera was packed in my bag. I then read the situation; there were two rows of cars cuing to turn right and a car rushing up to turn left and the girl was heading for the second gap. I have played enough ‘frogger’ to know that they were on a collision course.

I could not have got there, so all I could do was take a deep breath and let out the loudest, shocking, blood curdling scream that I could muster. It did not stop the girl, but halted the car just in time!

I then delivered a bollocking to Confucius, who obviously figured that he could control his great great great granddaughter with thought control. I gave a thumbs up to the driver for reacting, although he too could have done with a talking to. No need to talk to the daughter, she is already traumatized for life!

A good result and I reckon Blip may well have saved her as much as me :)


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