A really good day.

New one-size-smaller jeans fitted perfectly.
Visited old friend / financial advisor in beautiful Hexham who gave me hope that I probably won't have to rely on foraging from the bins behind Tesco in my old age and declined any offer of payment.
Lunch at Mrs Miggins.
Decided to drive back the very long way round through the North Pennines, which was balm to the soul.
Got back to find a letter to B telling him about some pension cash he hadn't been aware of which will be extremely welcome.
Spent almost no time on the computer.
The sun shone all the time we were out.

More days like this, please.

This photo was taken coming down from Alston Moor into Upper Teesdale. We tried to think of anywhere in the south of England where we could have driven through such glorious scenery and been able to count the other cars on the road on the fingers of one hand, and all of it within 90 minutes of home! Best viewed large.

Off to choir practice now. Catch up time tomorrow. xx

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