
You're getting me today. The photos from my youngest's laser tag party for her imminent 8th birthday were pretty much non-existent so instead I'm using my online presence to commemorate a big and decent swim from lunchtime. Just a single solitary second a length slower over a hundred lengths than I'd like to be but encouraging, very encouraging indeed.

And then in the evening I spoke to some relatives from Australia (Balmain, NSW to be precise) who are currently ensconced in Hull, East Yorkshire at my parents'. Unsurprisingly they were not fully aware of the implications of this weekend's FA Cup final but at least had a working knowledge of it, and will be looking out for the, ahem, 'black and amber army' when in London at the weekend. Nice to speak to them, they're lovely folk.

Right, music...we've had Ian from Sydney, now it's time for Simon...

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