Went in search of adorableness today...

...And found it! Fluffier in large.

I spotted a little Canadian Goose family yesterday when I didn't have my long lens with me. Today, when I went back to find them with the proper gear and they were nowhere to be found. It was a stormy day and not many of the water fowl were about at the pond I visited. As the day went on, so did the thunderstorms, so it didn't really mater that I had remembered to take my camera everywhere I went. Late in the afternoon I realized that I was blipless.

One last ditch effort, the rain had stopped and there is a small pond near a shopping center... Mom saves the day and spots a family of geese with seven little ones! Will they let me get close enough for a shot? Amazingly, yes. They tolerated me for a few minutes, then the mom turned (so all the babies turned), then Mom and Dad opened their wings (so all the babies opened their tiny wings) and they all trotted away from me as a group... Flapping as they went. Such a funny thing to see! Had it not caught me off guard and had me laughing, maybe I would have thought to take a picture of the humorous teaching event! :)) As it is, I was very happy to get a few shots of the adorable young ones, barely bigger than Dad's foot (see above - that's Dad's foot in the background).

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