Bright colours after HEAVY rain!

By the time I was driving home after work the torrential rain had stopped and the sun was coming out stronger and stronger. The colour of the sky and grass were so vivid that I had to get out with my camera! So, Jewelz and I took a wee trip to Grassington. I stopped on the way to take this view across the fields.
It was a beautiful evening and we enjoyed our usual amble round and realised just how long its been since we've been there! The field (small plot) that was just beginning to be levelled in preparation for building now has smart looking occupied homes! I thought they had done a better job of building them in a similar style to the traditional buildings around than the last set they built (6 or so years back).
We both would have been happy to wander on longer as it felt like it was still mid afternoon. In reality it was gone 7, so we headed home to make dinner! :)

Ran and played football with my kids in the afternoon (we went out for a late play so it was just us) for the first time since I put my back out at the end of December. It felt soooo good to be moving like again! A couple of tiny twinges but other wise pain free! :) Ahhhhh!

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