The Struggle between Spring and Winter ...

..... is not yet finished in the Alps. 4 days ago I blipped fully open Spring Gentians in warm sunshine but today my walk took me to the same area and it had turned back to winter! The gentians will survive but they were pinched up in ice crystals in the biting wind this morning. I did not stay out long, glad I am not an Alpine flower!

Shivering Gentians here!

Tomorrow lunchtime we shall be setting off for our favourite seaside town of Kas in Turkey where we shall meet up with Prostel from Istanbul. After the dreadful mining accident where 400 miners were killed in an explosion, the mood in Turkey will be sombre. I shall not be commenting much but will be sprinkling stars and hearts. Hopefully I can bring you some Turkish sunshine too.

I sent your warm wishes to yesterday's three legged deer, he had no idea what I was talking about and leapt off into the distance!

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