Waving man

Well he is not waving at this exact moment but had just been waving, at several people. I'd just spotted him being helped across the road. (note the trolley). So walked up to him and asked if I could take his picture. Nothing, so I used the international sign for 'Can I take your picture please'. He nodded so I took a few.

Job done he carried on walking, turning down a side street and getting stuck on a kerb so I thought I'd help. I grasped the trolley firmly and lifted up the kerb.. It fell apart in my hand!

The old man let out a bellow like a grumpy hippopotamus, attracting the attention of many passers by. Apologising profusely I swiftly put the trolley back together and helped him gently up the kerb, I then made a swift exit.

Apart from that it's been another good day today, doing interesting things with interesting clients is always great.

As Alf has now had his hardest day of SATS we went to the annual village funfair this evening. 10 minutes and £20 later the children had been on everything and were distinctly unimpressed. This is an annual event for us, one day we'll learn!


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