l u c k y . 1 3

By erincamilleee

Green Grass

Once again I wake up to the sound of your voice reverberating throughout my whole body. I feel tingles in my inner thighs.

I rise from my throne and shake my bed head until the putrid sound of your sighing voice is tossed to the gutter of my brain, a place I won't revisit until nightfall.

Right foot, left foot, right foot, left. I walk to the patio and stare hopelessly at the dying grass that reminds me of my soul. Once green and lively in the spring showers, now crunchy and painful from the summer heat.

Eyeing that yellow, deathly grass, I remind myself that we just have to get through one more season. One more season and our lives will brighten up and life will be easy again.

But life is not easy.
No, never.

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