Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Give and Gain day 2014

One of several teams from Arqiva today who took part in Give and Gain day 2014. This is a DIY SOS type event where groups help organisations do things that they find difficult to do themselves due to funding constraints etc.

The Arqiva Terrestrial Broadcast team from Daventry helped out the Lillington Sure Start Children's Centre in Leamington Spa. 13 people went to clear their garden area, clean down the decking and outside play area and do some fence painting.

Another team from Daventry were working at another project today too.

I'll come back and add names of all the participants so they get the glory.

I turned up first thing to get capture the euphoria at the start of the day and some images of what they had landed themselves with. It actually didn't look to bad. However, I had to get into the office to get some things done (I couldn't afford time out as I'm going to be out for a while soon most of the time isn't my choice).

I returned late afternoon to get the "Look what we've done images expecting all the work to have been completed, but, they were still hard at it, although nearing completion.

Whilst it didn't look too bad at the start of the day, there was still an amazing transformation.

Some more images here!

A big well done to all those involved.

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