CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot


I was at the Chiropractor yesterday and was treated on his Rack. A very nice man he was - but I didn't think it was going to have this effect. Makes a change though. Being only 5' 3" before yesterday definitely had it its drawbacks. I could never see what was going on at a football match, I always had to stand on a chair to reach the top cupboard in the Kitchen. I always had to look up to people, unless we were lying down - but that didn't happen very often. Buying trousers depressed me - they always needed cutting and sewing. When I preached in churches with high pulpit desks, I had to get a platform made.

But now, I am as tall as Richard Osman, who is 6' 7". People will see me in a crowd. I won't have any trouble at football matches. People will look up to me.

But wait, when I buy trousers, I will probably have to have bits put into the legs and sewn up. People will be asking me to sit down because they can't see. When they are looking for volunteers, I won't be able to hide. When I go to a hotel, you can be sure they won't have a bed long enough.

Hmmm, I have been small all my life so I guess there is no point wanting to change now. One good thing - they won't need a great big coffin when they carry me out!

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