The bird who enjoying the sunset!

I was not only the one who watched the sunset today! I had nice company in my garden. He is one of my customers in my hotel tree . He was around enjoying the pool ,the buffet the summer house etc. Later he decided to go to the roof and enjoy the sunset with me. It was amazing but just he arrived when the sunset almost went into the clouds. What a pity! Hope another day I get one without the clouds.
I enjoyed the sunset this morning in the garden today and later I had a tea with friends. They are very kind people. They offered to acompany me to the hospital. By the way still I am waiting for this call for the scan.
Lucky me the daisies still are there. My husband almost started to cut the grass when the machine stopped worked haha! I was very happy. Maybe we have to by another one. Hope I can enjoyed the flowers a little more , this weekend at least.

Thanks for the lovely comments about my busy bee with the yellow trousers . I hope we'll have nice apples after all this work fron the bees.
Enjoy the weekend my friends and hope I made you smile again.

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